In our interconnected world, social manners are essential. Here are 22 straightforward rules for cultivating good social behavior:
Call Respect:
Do not call too many times in a row. If they do not answer, they are likely busy.
Prompt Returns:
Always return borrowed money, items, or favors quickly. It shows honesty.
Polite Dining:
When eating with others, do not order the priciest dish. Let your host guide your choice.
No Invasive Questions:
Avoid personal questions like marriage, kids, or finances unless invited.
Hold Doors:
Be courteous, hold doors for anyone, regardless of age or gender.
Share Costs:
If a friend pays for a taxi, offer to pay next time. It is fair.
Respect Opinions:
Everyone has different views. Listen and learn from diverse perspectives.
Active Listening:
Do not interrupt when someone’s speaking. It is respectful and encourages open conversation.
Kind Teasing:
If teasing upsets someone, stop immediately. Respect their feelings.
Say Thank You:
Always express gratitude when someone helps you.
Public Praise, Private Criticism:
Compliment openly, critique privately to maintain dignity.
Weight is Off-Limits:
Avoid comments about someone’s weight. Say, “You look great” instead.
Photo Courtesy:
Do not swipe through someone’s photos without permission.
Show concern when a colleague mentions a doctor’s appointment without prying.
Equal Respect:
Treat everyone with respect, regardless of their role or status.
Be Present:
Put away your phone when talking to someone; it is polite.
Offer Advice Wisely:
Do not give advice unless asked for it.
Sensitive Topics:
Do not ask about age or salary unless someone wants to share.
Stay Out of Unrelated Matters:
If something does not involve you, do not get involved.
Eye Contact Matters:
Take off sunglasses when talking to someone on the street. Eye contact shows respect.
Be Mindful of Privilege:
Do not flaunt wealth around those less fortunate. Be considerate in discussions.
Appreciate Messages:
After reading a good message, say “Thanks.” Appreciation goes a long way.
By following these simple rules, you will build better relationships and show respect to others.
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